Please join me for a virtual conversation related to Rhode Island School of Design’s current exhibit and my own photographic work: The Performative Self-Portrait
This interview is Part II following: NPR: Interview on Voices of the Middle East and North Africa with Khalil Bendib: Pacifica Radio, KPFA While my first interview with political cartoonist Khalil Bendib focused on Zazu Dreams, this conversation will…
March 25, 11am EST University of Antwerp, Belgium My interview with Emma Moormann, PhD researcher at NeuroEpigenEthics, will highlight creative-collective risk taking. I will challenge Western civilization’s taken-for-granted convenience-culture standard of living and explore social anarchism in the context of…
Friday, March 24 at 11am PST on Pacifica Public Radio This interview is Part II following: NPR: Interview on Voices of the Middle East and North Africa with Khalil Bendib: Pacifica Radio, KPFA While my first interview with political cartoonist…
By entering one’s consciousness through the mediated vehicle of storytelling, Alhadeff aims to surprise her audience—evoking a reconsideration of how the consequences of one’s daily choices impacts global human rights. Her story’s characters explore unfamiliar geographical and metaphysical terrain…
Summary: Cara Judea Alhadeff is really difficult and easy to put in a box..Free is the best word. Cara came into my consciousness while studying nude yoga.
Summary: In this two-part conversation, Zuzman talks with Cara Judea Alhadeff—author, most recently, of Zazu Dreams—about the Ecozoic Era, biocentrism, communion with all beings, social permaculture, friction as a source of fertility, the unnatural aspects of natural building, reimagining waste,…
Summary: Dr. Cara Judea Alhadeff is a scholar/activist/artist/mother whose work engages feminist embodied theory with an emphasis on the ecological failures of our current economic system relating to its foundation in colonialism.
American-Ladino author, photographer, and performance artist Cara Judea Alhadeff speaks about her startlingly original book, Zazu Dreams: Between the Scarab and the Dung Beetle – A Cautionary Fable for the Anthropocene, an environmental tale which also takes up themes…
Kaylan Buteyn interviews panel at Elsewhere Studios Artist Residency with Laura Deutch, Cara Judea Alhadeff & Carolina Porras on Artist Mothers, Art as Life, Not a Job.
Priscilla Atropine interviews Cara Judea Alhadeff: Changing the Climate
Kate Redmond interviews Paonia author Cara Judea Alhadeff about her book “Zazu Dreams: Between the Scarab and the Dung Beetle.” LISTEN NOW:
In preparation for the Fiske Planetarium at the University of Colorado, Boulder multi-media, musical and cultural performance, Zazu Dreams: A Declaration of Interdependence, A Love Story. LISTEN NOW:
Earthaven Ecovillage and Get Off The Grid Festival: http://www.zazudreams.com/community-events/ Watch the Video Lecture
Summary: During the triple pandemic of climate crisis, racism / ethnic cleansing, and covid-19 we have become increasingly aware of the world that does not work for the majority of the planet. We long for inspiration and grounded strategies which…
Summary: The purpose of this environmental-justice performance is to generate cross-cultural, interdisciplinary, interfaith dialogue and Jewish-themed action. Reclaiming ancient Judaic spiritual-pharmacopeias, agricultural and architectural environmental engineering practices can be one resolution for systemic oppressions in our triple pandemic of racism,…
Summary: For Ecological Spiritualities Inaugural International Conference 2022, Harvard Divinity School’s Program for the Evolution of Spirituality Published in: The excerpts come from my interviews with National Public Radio: KPFA, Pacifica Radio KGNU KVNF Local Fauna AshevilleFM Podcast interviews:…