December 4, 2023 Hosted by the Jewish Climate Action Network Program in Massachusetts, I presented with Thea Iberall, Mirele Goldsmith, Rabbi Katy Z. Allen, and Judith Black as the emcee.

When we live in a practice of gratitude, when we do not take things or people for granted, we truly embody hospitality. This practice unravels the interdependent relationships between waste/disposability and ethnocentrism/xenophobia–between ecological collapse and humanitarian abuses. Storytelling is a vehicle we can use…

Wednesday, September 6, 2023 11:30 am-1:00pm ET| 10:30 am-12:00pmCT| 8:30 am-10:00am PT When we live in a practice of gratitude, when we do not take things or people for granted, we truly embody hospitality. This practice unravels the interdependent relationships…

Summary: Fall 2022 Dr. Cara Judea Alhadeff will investigate the Jewish commitment to a personal and collective cultural, economic, and agricultural pause (release or letting go). In response to the rapidly escalating climate crisis, Alhadeff’s interactive presentation shares the values…

Transmutations, Transgressions Promiscuous Crossings: Transforming Climate Chaos through the Sephardic Jewish Body Organizer: The International Society for Religion, Literature and Culture Video Lecture:

April 4th, 2:00pm PST University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) Micaela Amateau Amato’s illustrations from Zazu Dreams projected during first break; Micaela Amateau Amato‘s art projected during 2nd break; my projected photography on display during third break Ladino (the language of my maternal and paternal family)…

Petroleum parenting, what I identify as the decisions parents make that overwhelmingly contribute to both environmental destruction and body-phobic institutional practices, reifies the status-quo and our myopic capacity to engage beyond our shame-based, accumulationist individualism. In our petroleum-pharmaceutical-addicted cyber-world, our…

By entering one’s consciousness through the mediated vehicle of storytelling, Alhadeff aims to surprise her audience—evoking a reconsideration of how the consequences of one’s daily choices impacts global human rights. Her story’s characters explore unfamiliar geographical and metaphysical terrain…

Summary: Dr. Cara Judea Alhadeff is a scholar/activist/artist/mother whose work engages feminist embodied theory with an emphasis on the ecological failures of our current economic system relating to its foundation in colonialism.

American-Ladino author, photographer, and performance artist Cara Judea Alhadeff speaks about her startlingly original book, Zazu Dreams: Between the Scarab and the Dung Beetle – A Cautionary Fable for the Anthropocene, an environmental tale which also takes up themes…

Priscilla Atropine interviews Cara Judea Alhadeff: Changing the Climate

Kate Redmond interviews Paonia author Cara Judea Alhadeff about her book “Zazu Dreams: Between the Scarab and the Dung Beetle.” LISTEN NOW:

In preparation for the Fiske Planetarium at the University of Colorado, Boulder multi-media, musical and cultural performance, Zazu Dreams: A Declaration of Interdependence, A Love Story. LISTEN NOW:

Earthaven Ecovillage and Get Off The Grid Festival: http://www.zazudreams.com/community-events/ Watch the Video Lecture

Summary: During the triple pandemic of climate crisis, racism / ethnic cleansing, and covid-19 we have become increasingly aware of the world that does not work for the majority of the planet. We long for inspiration and grounded strategies which…

Summary: The purpose of this environmental-justice performance is to generate cross-cultural, interdisciplinary, interfaith dialogue and Jewish-themed action. Reclaiming ancient Judaic spiritual-pharmacopeias, agricultural and architectural environmental engineering practices can be one resolution for systemic oppressions in our triple pandemic of racism,…

Summary: Presented for the Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE), Nearly Carbon Neutral Humanities on the Brink: Energy, Environment, Emergency, UC Santa Barbara, 2020 Climate Justice Now: Transforming the Anthropocene into The Ecozoic Era asks: How can…

Summary: We must practice caution during our transition from our global petroculture, not based on the motivation, but on the underlying false assumptions and strategies that perceived sustainability agendas offer. At this juncture of geopolitical, ecological, social, and corporeal catastrophes,…

Summary: Presented at Peace Education: Security, Stability, Sustainability at Assam Don Bosco University, India, 2022 Watch the Video Lecture

Summary: Through historical Sephardic storytelling, Dr. Cara Judea Alhadeff presents contemporary interconnections between MLK Jr. and the Jewish holiday of Tu B’Shevat, “the new year for trees.” Presented as a Power Through Partnership Program. In partnership with The Big…

Summary: “Greenwashing and Environmental Racism in the Renewable Energy Revolution” is a video lecture from my chapter in the book Shifting Climates-Shifting Peoples, Dr. Miguel De La Torre, editor. The video-lecture that is shot outside our repurposed school-bus tiny home…

Summary: Presented at Peace Education: Security, Stability, Sustainability at Assam Don Bosco University, India, 2022 Watch the Video Lecture

Summary: This video was made for Harvard Divinity School’s Program for the Evolution of Spirituality international conference: Ecological Spiritualities, April, 2022. It was the Racial Justice Invocation for Ammud Jews of Color Torah Academy’s 3rd Anniversary Gala February, 2022. Watch…

Summary: For Ecological Spiritualities Inaugural International Conference 2022, Harvard Divinity School’s Program for the Evolution of Spirituality Published in: The excerpts come from my interviews with National Public Radio: KPFA, Pacifica Radio KGNU KVNF Local Fauna AshevilleFM Podcast interviews:…

Published in: Mother Pelican: The Journal of Solidarity and Sustainability, 2021 Summary: The terrestrial has been exiled from the earth.—Sajay Samuel’s review of Zazu Dreams We woke in the Safeway parking lot, ash falling from the sky. The gated…

Published in: Mother Pelican: The Journal of Solidarity and Sustainability, 2021 Summary: “You cannot regulate an abomination. You have got to stop it.”— Wendell Berry Driving across the United States in our over-heating converted eco-art school bus tiny home—painted…

Published in: Communities Magazine, Summer 2021 issue, Ecological Culture Summary: A devotion to repurposing objects, to constructing co-beneficial, regenerative infrastructural support systems, is an antidote to industrialized convenience culture…

Published in: Tikkun, Journal of Radical Empathy, 2022 Summary: In the framework of our current Shmita Year, “Sacred Attunement: Shmita as Cultural Biomimicry” explores the Hebrew concepts of selah (pause, including a practice of decolonizing our relationship to homogenizing…

“The Spectacle of the Invisible: Sephardic Jewish Identity in Multicultural Education” Explorations in Ethnic Studies Vo1.l 18, No. 1 (January 1995) : 109-124.