Summary: Fall 2022 Dr. Cara Judea Alhadeff will investigate the Jewish commitment to a personal and collective cultural, economic, and agricultural pause (release or letting go). In response to the rapidly escalating climate crisis, Alhadeff’s interactive presentation shares the values…
Transmutations, Transgressions Promiscuous Crossings: Transforming Climate Chaos through the Sephardic Jewish Body Organizer: The International Society for Religion, Literature and Culture Video Lecture:
April 28 and 29, 2018 From Article in Boulder Daily Camera/ Denver Post > Even though everybody poops, it’s still gross — generally speaking. Not for dung beetles, though. Those bugs are sustained by poop. They ball-up animal…
Petroleum parenting, what I identify as the decisions parents make that overwhelmingly contribute to both environmental destruction and body-phobic institutional practices, reifies the status-quo and our myopic capacity to engage beyond our shame-based, accumulationist individualism. In our petroleum-pharmaceutical-addicted cyber-world, our…
By entering one’s consciousness through the mediated vehicle of storytelling, Alhadeff aims to surprise her audience—evoking a reconsideration of how the consequences of one’s daily choices impacts global human rights. Her story’s characters explore unfamiliar geographical and metaphysical terrain…
Summary: In this two-part conversation, Zuzman talks with Cara Judea Alhadeff—author, most recently, of Zazu Dreams—about the Ecozoic Era, biocentrism, communion with all beings, social permaculture, friction as a source of fertility, the unnatural aspects of natural building, reimagining waste,…
Kate Redmond interviews Paonia author Cara Judea Alhadeff about her book “Zazu Dreams: Between the Scarab and the Dung Beetle.” LISTEN NOW:
In preparation for the Fiske Planetarium at the University of Colorado, Boulder multi-media, musical and cultural performance, Zazu Dreams: A Declaration of Interdependence, A Love Story. LISTEN NOW:
Earthaven Ecovillage and Get Off The Grid Festival: Watch the Video Lecture
Summary: For Ecological Spiritualities Inaugural International Conference 2022, Harvard Divinity School’s Program for the Evolution of Spirituality Published in: The excerpts come from my interviews with National Public Radio: KPFA, Pacifica Radio KGNU KVNF Local Fauna AshevilleFM Podcast interviews:…