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“From Pedagogy to Practice: Embodying Our Ecotheological Ethics,” Graduate Theological Union (GTU) at UC Berkeley

February 29, 2024 @ 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Dec 30 and 31 9-5pm PST at UC Berkeley


We will ask: How can we practice an internal jihad / mazalot (constellations of embodying daily ethical behavior)—individual and social behavioral ideals for which to strive to live an eco-ethical life?

What are the eco-social implications of the Arab-Jew as syncretic identity?

Collaboratively Uprooting Xenophobia: Examining our imbricated histories as Arab-Jews, Mizrahim, Sephardim, Arabs and Muslims to 1) highlight modernity/ globalization/ colonialism/ nation-state/ private property as underlying roots of intersectional oppression; 2) understand how our historical and lived identities break down false dichotomies of “us” vs. “them”/ East vs. West.

This pedagogical attempt to establish a sense of equilibrium revitalizes interfaith wisdom from Semitic ancient traditions. Semitic cultural diversity and conviviality is a key to sustaining biodiversity and is at the core of this interreligious ecoliteracy conversation….


February 29, 2024
9:00 am - 5:00 pm