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Wednesday, September 6, 2023
11:30 am-1:00pm ET| 10:30 am-12:00pmCT| 8:30 am-10:00am PT

When we live in a practice of gratitude, when we do not take things or people for granted, we truly embody hospitality. This practice unravels the interdependent relationships between waste/disposability and ethnocentrism/xenophobia–between ecological collapse and humanitarian abuses. Storytelling is a vehicle we can use to attune to hospitality. This program will offer participants opportunities to recognize the value of re-“discovering” our innate capacities to think beyond the habitual, thus expanding the possibilities of living our spiritual intelligence, our interconnectedness. We will ask how specific biblical and rabbinic ethics of co-implication (empathy) can develop a profound sense of individual agency and how that empowerment can lead to creative response-ability through collective/collaborative eco-social, spiritual justice.

About the teacher:

Dr. Cara Judea Alhadeff (they/them) is professor and author of dozens of books and articles on Sephardic histories, environmental racism, philosophy, art, gender, sexuality, and Jewish studies including the critically-acclaimed Zazu Dreams: Between the Scarab and the Dung Beetle, A Cautionary Fable for the Anthropocene Era and Viscous Expectations: Justice, Vulnerability, The Ob-scene.. Alongside Vandana Shiva and Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Alhadeff received the Random Kindness Community Resilience Leadership Award, Award, 2020. Their theoretical and visual work is the subject of documentaries for international public television. Former professor of Critical Pedagogy & Performance at UC Santa Cruz and Program Director for Jews Of The Earth, Alhadeff teaches, performs, and parents a creative-zero-waste life. They and their family live and perform in their eco-art installation repurposed school bus.

Registration is sliding scale/pay-what-you-can, with a suggested fee of $18 to support our programming. We are accessible to all Jews of Color regardless of payment, so if finances are a barrier, please continue to registration without making a payment.

For Ammud’s operations to run smoothly, registration closes 2 business days before the class begins. Register today and make sure your spot is reserved!

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Please note: Ammud is a for us, by us space that centers Jewish people of color, therefore programs are only open to JOCs unless otherwise noted. If you are a white ally looking to get involved, we invite you to become a member of our Ally Circle. At Ammud, we consider Sephardi and Mizrahi Jews who identify as non-white to be Jews of Color, as well as people of color who are deeply exploring Judaism and Jewish learning regardless of conversion status. If you have more questions, feel free to visit our FAQ page to learn more.