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Oberlin College’s Environmental Studies Department at Oberlin presents my in-person workshops
Thursday, September 28th
Lunchtime Objects as Storytellers
Embodied Practice Workshop
I will be dedicating these workshops to my dear friend, collaborator, and biogeochemist colleague, Dr. John Schade.

As one of the only participating official scientists (National Science Foundation and Program Director in the National Science Foundation’s Division of Environmental Biology), John was always very playful and ready to explore unfamiliar territory.

We collaborated at Woods Hole, MA–engaged in many discussions about the long-term effectiveness of various environmental movements. John was my guest at EcoVillage Ithaca in one of my Science & Storytelling events–presenting his research on his collaborative work on the Polaris Project and permafrost thaw.

Following years of successfully battling cancer, John passed away on March 26. He was one of the most humble, gentle people I have ever known. I miss his exceptionally generous heart.

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