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Love Bus

Art, articles, lectures and more

The Love Bus

Cara Judea Alhadeff and Jay Canode co-produced this short film about the Love Bus–Alhadeff’s eco-art, repurposed school bus tiny home. A response to climate chaos and environmental racism, Alhadeff and her family built and have lived in the Love Bus for six years. As a commitment to climate resiliency, they focus on what is seen as waste, and transform it into beauty. This commitment to bioregional and global interrelationships demonstrates how economics and ecologies can co-evolve rather than be in competition. Both the words “economic” and “ecology” derive from the Greek oikos, meaning home. Collaborating across cultural, economic, and ethnic differences, they offer how the concept of home (oikos—economy/ecology) can become a model for interdependency that increases cultural diversity and biodiversity, a model for ethical everyday living rooted in collective creative problem-solving.

Articles, Podcasts, Lectures & More