by Cara Judea Alhadeff
Over the course of their travels across the Caribbean, India, North Africa, and the Middle East, the three main characters, Zazu, a malamute husky, and a humpback whale, meet many superheroes, such as Maimonides, Rashbi, Queen Zubadya, Rabindranath Tagore, Joha the Sephardic trickster, Gandhi, Sol Hachuel, Harriet Tubman, Doña Gracia Nasi, and Noor Inayat Khan. Together they learn about how they can challenge 21st century villains like Nestlé, Merck, Exxon, and Monsanto—Big Pharma, Big Oil, and Agribusiness giants that stalk the planet. The characters learn about all living things that co-exist as a kind of social permaculture–all interconnected systems of mutual support.
A mystical, magical adventure with a serious message that should spur conversations. In this illustrated fantasy, a boy and his imaginary dog travel ... back in time, visiting his ancestors whose diaspora took them all over the world, learning “history that we never hear about in school.”
Kirkus ReviewsAmerican book review magazine
Foreward by Dr. Vandana Shiva:
“Zazu Dreams is a complex, intergenerational story of three generations in creative conversation: grandmother Micaela Amato Amateau illustrating the stories of her grandson Zazu, as told to his mother, Cara Judea Alhadeff. Zazu’s dreams weave a morethan-human story across space and time, across cultures…”
Reviews for Zazu Dreams
Dr. Noam ChomskyAuthor of Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media
Eve EnslerAuthor of The Vagina Monologues
“...a truly magical tale... magnificent...”
Rabbi Michael LernerAuthor of Jewish Renewal: A Path to Healing and Transformation
“thoughtfully and colorfully addresses the crucial need for young people to address empathy for humanity and all of life.”
Dr. James E. HansenDirector of the Program on Climate Science, Awareness and Solutions, Earth Institute, Columbia University
“Fabulous! A powerful and visionary story wonderfully told and beautifully illustrated.”
David W. OrrAuthor of Dangerous Years
“...a beautiful example of keeping our work and play focused on our most crucial mission, securing our survival and our freedom.”
SHKG/Humpty-HumpDigital Underground
“A thoughtful, insightful, meaningful exploration of so many of the dimensions of what it is to be human in this world. Brilliant!”
Thom HartmannAuthor of The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight
“...absolutely fascinating...extraordinary fusion of fanciful allegory, childhood perception, ecological prophesy, and sociological parable...”
James WinesGreen Architect Founder of SITE architect
“...the door to adult reflection is open by a child guide...Zazu faces the worst of humanity, while simultaneously basking in the beauty that constantly amazes and surrounds us...”
Antonia JuhaszAuthor of The Tyranny of Oil
“...very originally crafted and beautifully illustrated.”
Dr. Karen BaradAuthor of Meeting the Universe Halfway: Quantum Physics and the Entanglement of Matter and Meaning.
“Remarkably unafraid.”
Dr. Stephanie SeneffSenior Research Scientist, MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
“The emphasis on 'storytelling' here is critical as [Alhadeff] demonstrates through practice in her most recent book...”
Eric CheyfitzAuthor of The Disinformation Age: The Collapse of Liberal Democracy in the United States.
“...a creative and marvelous new world.”
Dr. Claire ColebrookAuthor of Death of the PostHuman
“Zazu Dreams reclaims the power of language as both a poetic intervention into politics and storytelling and as a powerful force for reclaiming the radical imagination. Zazu Dreams moves across interdisciplinary borders, collapses genres, unsettles how we think about [ourselves and] the planet.”
Dr. Henry GirouxAuthor of Disposable Futures: Violence in the Age of the Spectacle